by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2011 | Legal/Regs
Tim Wu is talking net neutrality. First has been laying the groundwork….talking about the 2010 legislation that provides for net neutrality. Now is going back to the 15th century England to make a point about how net neutrality should be considered public...
by Laura Creekmore | Jan 2, 2011 | Legal/Regs
I had relatives asking me about net neutrality over the holidays, but now I’ve just run across a fabulous primer about net neutrality. If you or someone you know is wondering what the buzz is all about, take 60 seconds to see this web page. h/t Craig...
by Laura Creekmore | Apr 7, 2010 | Legal/Regs
I was going to spend a little time writing a post on yesterday’s net neutrality ruling [PDF] by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. But Newsweek’s Nick Summers saved me the time. Just go read his post on why this ruling is so bad, and why there’s still...