3 thoughts on “Ning isn't helping power users”

  1. Hi Laura,

    I came upon your post on a search for Ning. I am the Director of Support at Ning and wanted to apologize for you running into this recent bug. We are now back to your being able to update your email address at any network you belong to.

    To address your other concern, though one email is recommended for your account, you can create multiple accounts with multiple email addresses if you’d like (and it sounds like you have).

    A great feature to enhance the single email sign in is that you can have a different profile name and profile photo at every network you belong to, if you choose. This means you only need to remember one password, but can use a more professional profile on your professional networks.

    I hope this helps! If you have any questions or would like to provide further feedback, you can reach me at the Ning Help Center. You can add attn:LauraG if you’d like.


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