We had another great gathering last night at the Nashville Content Strategy Meetup. We talked about Confab, user experience, business strategy, the paleo diet and the Roman Empire. Mark your calendar now for Thursday, June 9, 5:30p. Announcement on the place will...
Confab 2011 Wrapup: I Find My People
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy
There are some great workshops going on tomorrow at Confab, but I can't stay for them. So I thought I'd wrap up here with a few final thoughts on this great first-time conference on content strategy. Agreed with Kristina Halvorson and others that the conversation...
Launching another salvo in the content strategy-UX war
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy, Strategy, User experience
Update, 8p: I've just heard from Melissa Rach about the context that Twitter can't provide. It's some great info and I'll share it here. From Melissa: I really appreciate you letting me know about this blog. I wasn't able to get on Twitter all day (computer meltdown),...
Confab | Rachel Lovinger: Make Your Content Nimble
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content management, Information management, Semantic web
Rachel Lovinger is a content strategist at Razorfish, and last year wrote a report on nimble content -- meaning content that can travel freely from its original location, retaining its meaning and context, but also capable of being inserted into new products. I'll...
Confab | Christine Perfetti: Essential Techniques for Measuring Your Content’s Success
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Analytics, Conferences/Events, User experience
Christine Perfetti is talking about how to test and measure your content. So important: Web analytics tell you WHAT is happening. They do not tell you WHY. Perfetti is showing really horrifying and totally believable tests.... People who got all the way through...
Confab | Jeff Cram: Learning to Love Your CMS
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content management
I have a client going through a major content management system [CMS] implementation right now, so I'm eager to hear how we can learn to love our CMS. No one loves their CMS. My comments in italics. Jeff Cram works with ISITE Design in Portland, and they write a blog...
Confab | Ann Handley of Marketing Profs: Embrace That You Are a Publisher
by Laura Creekmore | May 10, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy, Marketing
According to this black swan media go high level review this is the tool of the decade – completely replacing the previous titans like Clickfunnels for landing pages and Pipedrive/Hubspot for CRMs. I don't often blog keynotes anymore; there are lots of reasons, but...
Confab | Johns Hopkins Testing Content
by Laura Creekmore | May 9, 2011 | Analytics, Content strategy
Hearing Ahava Leibtag and Aaron Watkins talk about Johns Hopkins and how they test content. Challenge of working on a major academic medical center's website: Lots and lots of cooks in the kitchen. Branding is difficult to maintain because content creation is widely...
Confab | Testing Content
by Laura Creekmore | May 9, 2011 | Analytics, Content strategy
This session from Angela Colter is slam-packed full. Her popular article last year on testing content on A List Apart obviously precedes her, and everyone wants the details. She's going to talk about Readability Formulas: Counting the aspects of text that can be...
Confab | How to Create a Data-Driven Content Strategy
by Laura Creekmore | May 9, 2011 | Analytics, Conferences/Events, Content strategy, Metadata
This session is by Elizabeth McGuane and Randall Snare, who together write Mapped. They're going to talk about how to use data to improve your content strategy. Analytics When you see where traffic is coming from, and where it's not coming from, you can tell if you...