Where I’m going in 2011

I've spent a lot of time in the last few months learning about additional conferences in my field -- seminars related to content strategy, information architecture and management, and related fields like web entrepreneurship, user experience and social media. In 2011,...

Wonderful video on information

You've got to make the time to watch this hour-long video on stats, information and the power they give us. If you've been hanging around the web for long at all, you've likely seen some of Hans Rosling's and the Gapminder Foundation's work before, but I love how this...

Net neutrality primer

I had relatives asking me about net neutrality over the holidays, but now I've just run across a fabulous primer about net neutrality. If you or someone you know is wondering what the buzz is all about, take 60 seconds to see this web page. h/t Craig Neumark

Books on the list for 2011

Over at my personal blog today, I shared the list of books I read in 2010. There are a lot of business books on there, but plenty for fun and serendipity, too. I'm working to read a book a week again this year, and I've already got a number of books queued up. Here...

More is practically* always better

I was talking with some friends today about their nonprofit website. We were talking about a bunch of other stuff about creating community, building a network, etc., and they said, by the way, how often should we be updating the site? Love this question. Partly...

I blog about politics, content strategy, information architecture, copyright law, grammar and other stuff that strikes my fancy.