I'm blogging today over on the Digital Nashville site. Digital Nashville is one of our great local tech organizations -- we have a growing tech community here, and DN connects some of the best marketers and tech folks. Learn where to put the peanut butter [and how to...
Social media is neutral, but people are angry
by Laura Creekmore | Nov 4, 2010 | Legal/Regs, Social media
I was talking to some folks today about social media, and got a question I didn't feel like I answered well. It was along the lines of, How is social media contributing to the downfall of civility in our society today? My quick answer is: It's not. My longer answer is...
BarCamp Nashville: See Us Saturday for Content Strategy Throwdown
by Laura Creekmore | Oct 14, 2010 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy
UPDATE: The panel went really well, according to the backchannel on Twitter, anyway. BarCamp will soon be releasing audio, and I'm hoping ours will be available, but in the meantime, you can get a feel for the panel from comments we have shared on SlideShare or from...
Don’t Let Your Experience Be Your Guide
by Laura Creekmore | Sep 30, 2010 | Strategy, User experience
If you’re in the web industry, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that everyone -- and I mean everyone -- is an expert on what the web should be doing. It’s similar to education in this way: We all went to school, so we all think we know how a school ought to work. The same...
When you need content strategy: Content hack-a-matic
by Laura Creekmore | Sep 20, 2010 | Content management, Content strategy
I spend a decent amount of time explaining to people in the web industry when they need content strategy. [Answer: on every project, of course.] And so I thought I'd put together a few situations that arise in real life....those times when you really need your...
Links from Old Natchez social media chat
by Laura Creekmore | Sep 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
I spoke today about managing your online identity. We talked a lot about teaching your kids the skills they need online, and helping them manage their privacy, as well. We used these links to spur our discussion. In case you weren't scared already.......
My BarCamp Nashville session: Content Strategy…Or Else
by Laura Creekmore | Sep 10, 2010 | Content strategy, Speaking
Here's the promo I just added to the BarCamp Nashville site: Content strategy's quite the buzzword these days. But what does it really mean? Does incorporating content strategy mean your web projects are going to be shiny and glorious? [Don't we all hope!] Or that...
BarCamp Nashville: Sign Up Today
by Laura Creekmore | Sep 9, 2010 | Conferences/Events, Speaking
Tomorrow's the first day to pitch speaking proposals for BarCamp Nashville 2010. Last year, I was able to attend just a couple of sessions, but they were great, and topics were really varied....but there wasn't a ton on content strategy. So I'll be pitching a session...
A persona-hating content strategist
by Laura Creekmore | Aug 18, 2010 | Content strategy
I'm about to open my can of crazy talk, so forewarned and all that. Content strategy is still evolving as a discipline, and the toolkit that strategists use isn't set in stone, though I think we're starting to come to some agreement about what's useful. Building...
Your marketing is killing your customer service
by Laura Creekmore | Jul 15, 2010 | Customer service
Yeah, you. Corporate America. [Maybe corporate everywhere...but my recent experiences are homegrown, so no blame-passing today.] Your amazingly successful efforts in data collection, standardization, segmentation and automation have removed the human element from your...