Links from Old Natchez social media chat

I spoke today about managing your online identity. We talked a lot about teaching your kids the skills they need online, and helping them manage their privacy, as well. We used these links to spur our discussion. In case you weren't scared already.......

BarCamp Nashville: Sign Up Today

Tomorrow's the first day to pitch speaking proposals for BarCamp Nashville 2010. Last year, I was able to attend just a couple of sessions, but they were great, and topics were really varied....but there wasn't a ton on content strategy. So I'll be pitching a session...

A persona-hating content strategist

I'm about to open my can of crazy talk, so forewarned and all that. Content strategy is still evolving as a discipline, and the toolkit that strategists use isn't set in stone, though I think we're starting to come to some agreement about what's useful. Building...

I blog about politics, content strategy, information architecture, copyright law, grammar and other stuff that strikes my fancy.