Now you're starting to see the South by Southwest wrapup posts appear, and I've already seen one post slamming the festival for becoming too big [It's a real rant on the NY Observer if you want to Google it, but not worth the link in my opinion] and one defending the...
Solving the iPad2 – MacBook Air question
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 15, 2011 | Personal technology
[poll id="2"]OK, y'all. I've read tons of things in the past couple of days about the iPad2 and the MacBook Air, and I still can't make up my mind. So I need your help. Please vote for how I should resolve my tech dilemma and add a comment if you have some insight for...
SXSW: Dawn Foster on Hacking RSS
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 15, 2011 | Information management
So I'm at Hacking RSS by Dawn Foster. She's got some more stats about how much data we have in the world. Seems to be a big topic this year here at SXSW. [Incidentally she's got some stats on her slides if you'd like to look. I didn't scribble down the numbers.] We're...
SXSW: Gary Vaynerchuk and The Thank You Economy
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2011 | Books, Customer service
I will tell you straight out that I have a fan-girl crush on Gary Vaynerchuk. I find his enthusiasm infectious, and I agree with his perspective on a lot of things. Particularly on the value of hard work and on how you treat customers. I don't know where you live, but...
SXSW: Tim Wu on Net Neutrality
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2011 | Legal/Regs
Tim Wu is talking net neutrality. First has been laying the groundwork....talking about the 2010 legislation that provides for net neutrality. Now is going back to the 15th century England to make a point about how net neutrality should be considered public...
SXSW: Margot Bloomstein on Creation, Curation and the Ethics of Content Strategy
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy
I'm starting this morning with a session from Margot Bloomstein on content strategy, curation and ethics. I've heard her speak before [on a different topic] and she was interesting, so we'll see how this goes. OK, right off the bat, this is a hard talk to blog. It's a...
South by Southwest: What I’m up to
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2011 | Blogging, Conferences/Events
I got to South by Southwest yesterday and I had to hit the floor running -- the conference started Friday so there were sessions flying by me. I got to a couple of great talks yesterday and blogged them here. Today, I'm going to three sessions for sure: Margot...
Recommendation Engines: Going Beyond the Social Graph
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 13, 2011 | Information management, Search
Hunter Walk. Leads product team at YouTube. Tom Conrad. Product engineering at Pandora. Garrett Camp. Cofounder of Stumble Upon. Lior Ron from Google's Hotpot project. Works on local recommendation engine. Liz Gannes, journalist, moderating. Conrad: Pandora has 8...
SXSW: Todd Park from HHS on the Power of Open Health Data
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 13, 2011 | Health, Information management
Interesting...Todd Park introduces himself as the CTO and "entrepreneur in residence" at the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. I think his point is that his background is tech entrepreneurship. He says, "That may lead you to ask what the hell I'm doing working...
English is stupid
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 27, 2011 | Writing
I'm a professional writer, editor and organizer of words and ideas. I love grammar, syntax and the structure of words. So when I tell you that English is stupid, I know whereof I speak. I don't mean there's not a reason why things are the way they are. We can spend...