Following are my notes.... Steve Rosenbaum was a filmmaker in September 2001, and the events of 9/11 taught him that individuals can tell their own stories better than the professionals can. The important part we can add is a filter, a curator, an organizer. He's also...
I’m at Confab this week
by Laura Creekmore | May 9, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Content strategy
There have been a number of web content conferences over the years, but it's safe to say that Confab, in its first year, is going to be home to content strategists for years to come. I've met so many "people like me" already, and the universal acclaim seems to be that...
Ditching my paper planner: Lessons in online organization
by Laura Creekmore | May 2, 2011 | Information management, Personal technology
Somewhere around 1994 or 1995, a friend introduced me to the Franklin planner. From that time, I was rarely without one. Over the years, I got bigger and smaller versions of the annual planner, depending on the size of the bag I liked to carry and how much stuff I was...
Podcamp Nashville: Becoming a Thought Leader Via Podcast
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 31, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Podcasting
Let me begin by saying I'm embarrassed that I don't have a podcast. I registered a URL I intended to use to promote our podcast nearly a year ago. Summer Huggins did a lot of great prep work for it. I even talked to someone about being our first interviewee. And I...
PodCamp Nashville: Winston Hearn on Basic Video Production
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 28, 2011 | Conferences/Events, Video
Winston Hearn has been creating online video for several years and offered a basic tutorial Saturday at PodCamp Nashville 2011. Though I've done online video for a while, I've never really had any formal instruction, so I thought it would be nice to find out what I'm...
A grammar nerd learns to program
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 27, 2011 | Programming
A week ago, I started a computer class to learn Ruby on Rails to build web applications. I'm not currently planning any kind of startup, or even to become a programmer. I did think it would be really helpful to learn programming from the ground up, to learn the theory...
Deserving your audience
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 25, 2011 | Content strategy, Marketing, Social media
Great post this week from well known author Mitch Joel, president of Twist Image in Toronto. He starts from the question of whether it's better to have a great book or a great existing audience when you publish. But he morphs quickly into asking the same question...
AP Steps Into the 2000s: Email Loses the Hyphen
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 24, 2011 | Writing
Ah, the Associated Press. Bless their hearts. Long the whipping boy of web business types [and deservedly so, for a years-long series of tone-deaf and business-stupid moves online], the AP has nonetheless retained its position as the stylebook of business and media....
QR Codes: Ready for Prime Time?
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 23, 2011 | Information management, Marketing
Great post from Paul Merrill on QR codes: It’s as if each company said, “We need to get something out there with a QR code on it – and it doesn’t matter what it says or links to. Just get it out now, now. We only have two weeks till the event kicks off!” Fail. -- From...
Google Search Updates: Good or bad?
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 18, 2011 | Search, SEO
Read a great post this morning from InfoCommerce, a consulting group that focuses on business information content and database publishing. Here's a snippet, but I think you should head over to their blog for the whole post on Google's recent spam-prevention search...