The Long Tail vs. Content Strategy

I've been mulling this idea for a long time. Seth Godin's post this week on the economic and creative implications of the long tail got me thinking about it again. [Here's the link to Chris Anderson's original long tail post if you need a long tail primer.] My...

Know What You’re Doing

We see a lot of organizations that are struggling with the details right now. Modern technology is amazing, and it lets us control almost everything about the customer experience, if we invest the time and resources. And consequently, you can go down the rabbit trail...

IA Institute Board Elections — I’m Running

Update, 9/20/2011: Wow, I'm so honored to say, I was selected! Here are the details. Original post: I'm really excited about some of the changes and updates going on with the IA Institute, one of the professional organizations supporting the information architecture...

Dear Conference Organizers:

I know it's hard to get the marketing thing right. Believe me, I've been in the business for years. All these details take a lot of work and a lot of smart people. And you don't have the budget you used to. And etc. But dear lord, when you send me the 5th "REGISTER...

I blog about politics, content strategy, information architecture, copyright law, grammar and other stuff that strikes my fancy.