A great post today from Mark Hurst’s blog: Are we doing what we love?
What to do with your SEO keywords
by Laura Creekmore | Apr 6, 2009 | SEO
Use carefully selected keywords in strategic places on your website to improve your search engine optimization.
Make time to think
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 31, 2009 | Strategy
Thinking isn’t a step you can short-cut out of the system — not if you expect elegance and brilliance in your work.
Blogging ethics: Where do you draw the line?
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 9, 2009 | Blogging
Transparency about your intentions and motivations solves many ethical issues for bloggers.
Two quick thoughts on social media and technology choices
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 26, 2009 | Social media, Strategy
Good interview this morning between Mike Moran and Paul Gillin. Great thoughts on social media.
Search engine optimization isn't mysterious: Finding your keywords
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 23, 2009 | SEO
Find the best keywords for your website to improve your search engine rankings.
What you shouldn't learn from the Facebook TOS incident
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 19, 2009 | Community, Facebook
What not to learn from the Facebook TOS incident.
The Facebook TOS debacle: You probably don't care
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 16, 2009 | Facebook
The Facebook terms of service mess: No one really cares. And there’s no good solution for those of us who do.
I'll now say something nice about Ning
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 6, 2009 | Customer service, Ning
The Ning director of support gives us an update on a bug fix that caused some of my recent trouble.
Still not sure what to say about Ning
by Laura Creekmore | Feb 4, 2009 | Ning
My Ning email saga concludes, I think.