Even in today's still-uncertain economic times, I would argue that most marketers' biggest problem is getting the necessary share of time, not share of wallet. In my working life, the time clutter problem has gotten to be the biggest issue for people in the modern...
Creating real value: The art of content strategy
by Laura Creekmore | Apr 23, 2010 | Strategy
I've mentioned the cult of action here before. I don't know if it's a uniquely modern challenge, but I do know that today's technology makes it easy to fall into: Your phone syncs with your calendar with your email with your note program with your SharePoint with your...
Go read this column on net neutrality
by Laura Creekmore | Apr 7, 2010 | Legal/Regs
I was going to spend a little time writing a post on yesterday's net neutrality ruling [PDF] by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. But Newsweek's Nick Summers saved me the time. Just go read his post on why this ruling is so bad, and why there's still hope for...
RIP Content Management
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Session with Dries Buytaert, founder of Drupal. Going to be a good counterpoint to the last session, it seems. Couple of problems all businesses face: Webmasters don't scale. Your proprietary CMS is slow to innovate. Your users are your content creators. Trying to...
Managing Your Content Management System
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 15, 2010 | Content management
Alex Will and Henry Erskine Crum of Spoonfed Media. They run a web/mobile guide to live events in London. This is a total geek-out topic. They're going to discuss when and how to build your own content management system. As they and all of us will know, understanding...
Context Is Always Critical
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2010 | Information management
Got into an interesting back-channel discussion today in the South by Southwest session called "Beyond Algorithms: Search and the Semantic Web." I did write another post on the panel, so I won't go into the details here, except to say that I found the backchannel more...
Beyond Algorithms: Search and the Semantic Web
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 14, 2010 | Information management, SEO
Wow. There are a lot of speakers here, and they aren't all listed in the program....and there's no way I'll get them all straight. I'll see what I can do. Gil Elbaz, founder/CEO of Factual. They simplify access to clean, reliable data for publishers. Structure and...
The Right Way to Wireframe, Part 1
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 13, 2010 | Information management, Strategy
Now getting ready for a workshop session on wireframing, from a couple of guys I follow on Twitter: @zakiwarfel and @russu. Love this. Starting off with the point that in UX design, we never actually see the work. What's better, wireframing or prototyping? This is a...
The Era of Crowdsourcing: Guiding Principles
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 13, 2010 | Community, Social media
OK, I'm trying out a new theory this morning. I am sitting waaaay up front. I'm typically your cynical, back-of-the-class type. I'm in a conversation between Scott Belsky, founder of the Behance creative network, and Jeffrey Kalmikoff of Digg. None of the below are...
Brian Solis
by Laura Creekmore | Mar 12, 2010 | Social media
OK, first session....I'm here at the Hilton listening to Brian Solis. He's talking about brand. For the record, brand is one of those words I hate. Its overuse has killed what used to be a useful word IMHO. His premise is that social media is changing the way we...